Sunday, 24 July 2011

Bad Boy Corner

My latest staff is currently languishing in 'Bad Boy' corner. It hasn't done anything wrong but, as yet, it isn't right.

Bad Boy Corner is right by the chimney breast and so close to the hearth and heart of the home. It's in my line of vision whenever I sit down to relax. Whether I'm chatting with my wife or simply vegging out in front of the T.V watching re-runs of Top Gear and C.S.I., it is there. Things may sit there for a day, a week, or a month or two. Some things even make return visits although that doesn't happen very often, thankfully. It helps me a great deal. I believe very strongly that each tree, each piece of wood I work with has a spirit. I could not do the things I do if I did not listen to, and work with, the spirit of the wood. Because of this my ideas and inspiration change constantly, as the wood and I change our minds about what feels right. And if something doesn't feel quite right, all work stops. Frustrating as it may be when I want to get things finished, I won't finish a piece simply for the sake of finishing and I will not let a piece go if it is not the very best that it can be. I owe that to myself. I owe it to those who buy my work. But most of all, I owe it to the Wood.

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